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1. The subject of the contract and contractual parties

The subject of the contract is agreement, and definition of rights and obligations agreed between the client and mastering studio about providing mastering,
mixing or sound editing services.

Client is person who is communicating with mastering studio and sending tracks to mastering studio usually via e-mails info(at)g-sonique(dot)com and
Gsmasteringstudio(at)gmail(dot)com and then ordering paid services by mastering studio , hereinafter referred to as client.

(at) = @ , (dot) = .

Mastering studio is provider of mastering, mix or sound editing services (G-Sonique mastering studios) hereinafter referred to as mastering studio.

Mastering studio will send this license agreement / contract in attachment of first or any other e-mail sent to client and license agreement is visible as link at the
bottom of mastering studio website www.g-sonique.com at mastering area of website.

2. Contractual conditions

By sending any tracks / music / material to G-Sonique mastering studio or by ordering any services from G-Sonique mastering studio client agree with following
terms and conditions:

2.1 All music / tracks / material that client is sending to G-Sonique mastering studio is his own music material, client is copyright owner or he is fully allowed to
work with this material / sending it to mastering studio by copyright owner, other band members etc. Point 2.1. Refers also to reference records / examples of
mastering/sound which client would like to achieve. G-Sonique mastering studio is not responsible for any loss if you send them any material/files that are
violating copyrights.

2.2 Client is allowing G-Sonique mastering studio to work with material/files that client sent to mastering studio via internet or post - mastering studio can master
/ edit it, mix it, prepare samples of mastering for client, upload it to password or link or other protected server / storage and send links to client via e-mail or other
communication service.

2.3 G-Sonique mastering studio can upload track to private password or link protected server or storage. G-Sonique mastering studio is not responsible for any
hacker / pirate attack of it's or 3rd party server / storage, or if hackers attack client's e-mail account and stole download links or if client or 3rd party connected with
client accidentally publish download links on-line. Links should remain secret between client and mastering studio and link can be sent only to client's e-mail.

2.4 G-Sonique mastering studio will charge price per one mastered song based on actual price list available at the website or individual written agreement.

2.5 Within free test mastering client will receive just part of song, not full length song.
If client order full EP mastering (5 or more songs) client will receive one test mastered song in full length free of charge or in small price of test mastering (5 Eur).
This is available only for new customers which never mastered with G-Sonique mastering studios before.

2.6 Mastering should be paid after test mastering song is sent and client agree/like sound of test mastering, but before full mastered album is sent - G-Sonique
mastering studio will send all mastered tracks after receiving payment for mastering. Not before payment is done.

2.7 Client can require one revision of one song if full album mastering is paid. Next revisions can be charged based on our price per hour rate and time spent on
additional work. If mastered songs are sent client may require one revision and G-Sonique mastering studio will do their best to meet client's requirements
(not every time guaranteed - depends on mix of song and other factors). Client cannot require money back if client once liked test mastering sound and ordered
mastering of next songs on basis of test mastering.

2.8 Studio equipment and design can be changed / updated or different then at currently non updated version of website. You are paying for results only -
mastered tracks in the same/similar style like your free test mastering.

2.9 G-Sonique mastering studio can use various traditional and untraditional analog and/or digital mastering methods to master your music by their own
decision. Mastering process, equipment and methods should kept secret, and you cannot require information of secret methods used for mastering of your
records - you are paying for mastering not information. If it is necessary for special type of music only digital methods could be used. (eg. Restoration,
bad mix mastering)

2.10 In case that G-Sonique mastering studio is busy / has lot of work / or it is required by type of music material (example: restoration, stem mastering, mixing,
mastering) client agree by accepting this agreement / by sending tracks to mastering studio that mastering, mixing or sound designing can be done in smaller
studio B or studio C (currently not displayed at website) or that material which client ordered for mastering, mixing or sound editing can be sent to our external
studio / collaborator. Mastering studio do not need to ask client for permission before mastering, mixing or sound editing his record/material to studio B or
external studio / collaborator. But mastering studio should ensure that both test mastering and final paid mastering will be done in the same studio, with same
or similar sound  that client accepted during free test mastering.  

2.11 G-Sonique mastering studio reserves unlimited long-term time period to master your music if necessary, but will do their best to meet your deadlines
written in e-mail.

2.12 G-Sonique mastering studio is not responsible for any loss caused by mastering, mixing or sound designing / editing of your records, by uploading them to
private storage / server or for any other loss caused by cooperation and communication between client and mastering studio. Client cannot ask for any kind of
compensation or loss caused by cooperation with mastering studio.

3. Agreement about the governing law and the arbitration clause

3.1 All the previous agreements, oral and written, relating to the negotiation about this contract between the contractual parties expire on the effective day of this
agreement and are replaced (substituted) by this agreement.
3.2 In case that particular terms of this agreement are invalid, and also due to the changes in the law regulations of some State, in which the performance of this
contract will be carried out or in which will be the seat of one of the parties, or within the European Communities, the validity of other provisions of this contract  
remains intact. In this case, the parties undertake to replace the invalid provisions with valid ones, otherwise in the cases ruled by invalid provisions, the relevant
provisions of valid applicable law will be used.
3.3 The contractual parties agree that all disputes arising out of this contract or in connection with this contract will be solved by mutual agreement. In case that it
is not possible to reach a compromise, disputes will be definitely resolved by arbitration proceedings.
3.4 The contractual parties agreed that the material law of the Slovak Republic is valid for the  rights and obligations of both parties, which are not stipulated in
this contract and also for the eventual negotiated disputes.
3.5 All disputes arising out of this contract will be definitely resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Order of the Arbitration Court of the Slovak Republic.
The dispute will be decided by three arbitrators. Each of the contractual parties appoints one arbitrator. Two appointed arbitrators will select on the basis of the
agreement the third arbitrator, which will act as chairman. If one party does not appoint its own arbitrator  within thirty days after receipt of notification of the
second party, or if two appointed arbitrators do not reach an agreement on the third arbitrator, in this case here agreed arbitration court will appoint the chairman
arbitrator and in case of necessity also the second arbitrator. The consignment is in case of arbitration dispute considered as being delived on the date of  its
delivery to the address of the seat of the contracting party stipulated in the header of this contract, and in the case of not taking of the consignment on the date
of its storage at the post office. In case of the violation of this contract with the rules of arbitration proceedings in accordance with the Regulation of the
Arbitration Court of the Slovak Republic will the appoitment of the arbitrators and the delivery of the consignments to the participants be performed on the
basis of the valid rules of the cited Regulation.
3.6 The arbitrament issued according this contract will be definitive and the parties agree to fullfil it without delay.
3.7 Any arbitrament of the arbitration court, which is in accordance with this agreement can be executed by the court of competent jurisdiction.
3.8 The contractual parties agree that eventual arbitration proceedings according to the Article of the contract will be conducted in Slovak language.

4. Duration of the contract

This contract comes into force on the day of when client send e-mail to G-Sonique mastering studio and their e-mail info(at)g-sonique(dot)com or
Gsmasteringstudio(at)gmail(dot)com  or by requesting free test mastering, and contract is valid for the unlimited period of time.

5. Protection of trade secret

The contract as well as all other information provided to the client are confidential. The client can not publish the content of the contract, contract terms
including the financial ones or other provided data and information from the mastering studio and distibute them.

6. The final provisions

6.1 This agreement shall enter into force and effect on the date of starting digital or other communication with G-Sonique mastering studio and or sending
audio material to G-Sonique mastering studios for test mastering. Client agree with full contract by sending tracks / music material or starting communication
with mastering studio.

6.2 The contract was concluded on the basis of free, serious, definitive and clear will, not in pressure under the significantly disadvantegeous conditions.

6.3 The contractual parties declare that they have read this agreement, they understood its content, they agree with it without restrictions.

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VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies.